Wednesday, June 16, 2004

WANTED: Thinking Christians

This article is one of the inspirations for starting this blog.

In it, James Montgomery Boice points out that our culture is being "entertain[ed] to death." More precisely, he means that we are so enamored with entertainment, that it becomes our primary goal in life and damages our ability to think rationally, logically, and critically.

He then goes on to say that television (still one of the main sources of our entertainment) doesn't compliment religion. In Boice's words, "when you put religion on television, religion becomes entertainment" and doesn't promote the teaching of the Word or the application thereof.

I'd like to hear from you! The comments are always open to anyone reading this blog.

Romans 12:2: "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind."


At 1:40 PM, Blogger Bert said...

Good point, Nathan. This is something that Boice touched on when speaking of Billy Graham. Certainly one doesn't have to be Mr. Graham to be able to communicate Biblical truth on television.

The point I believe he's making is that too many times, religion is presented as entertainment, and that isn't the purpose.


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