Reflections or distractions?
Today is the day we celebrate:
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." All of celebration today should illuminate this wonderful truth.
My question of the day is how do we utilize our Christmas traditions to illuminate Christ? It seems like by nature, many of our traditions are more of a distraction, then a reflection on God's gift to us.
While we give gifts, the gift givers in the Christmas story where given to Christ.. The wise men didn't give gifts to one another.
The tree that we put up in our house each winter doesn't really represent the tree that Christ was destined for.
All of the decorations where likely missing from the humble manger that our Lord was born in.
The guy who knows if you are bad and good, and gives you earthly rewards for your behavior is imaginary, while the one who knows if we are bad or good and gives us heavenly rewards is real.
What do people do to minimize the distraction of our traditions and put the focus back on God's gift to us?
Just say out loud, whether in public or private, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESUS!!" then keep Him in mind while you are shopping for gifts, putting up and decorating your tree, busying yourself with other preparations, and celebrating the day of His birth. Unfortunately, some Christians are telling us that the celebration of Christmas is a no-no either because they believe we are worshipping a tree instead of Jesus Himself, Jesus was not born on December 25th, or both. Or maybe because it is also assumed that we all get so caught up in the holiday rush, the commercialization, and the materialism of the holiday that we will all will forget the true meaning of the holiday and why we celebrate without taking into account those of us who always remember Jesus, even at Christmastime. But just because we choose to celebrate the way we do, it doesn't mean we shouldn't celebrate at all, right? Who in their right mind would worship a Christmas tree, anyway? I think we Christians know better than that, don't you?
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